In my ninth year of recapping my travels during the year – dubbed the Year in Places – I hit a new low. And in fact, it is so low I really need to go back through my year and confirm that it is indeed accurate. Update: Yep, it is accurate. Featured photo for this post is from the Big Slick 10 event with the Kansas City Royals at Kauffman Stadium.
2019 was a challenging year personally, and professionally. I’m happy to be in 2020 but without further ado:
In 2019 I spent at least one night in:
Omaha, NE (Home)
Carroll, IA*
Silverthorne, CO
Kansas City, KS
*indicates more than one visit
For 2020, we already have at least 3 getaways planned, so it should be safe to say that I can double the travel nights.
I had a hard time deciding on a travel quote for this year, but I think to memorialize four locations, I think I’ll double up with quotes that sum up the last 12 months of lack of travel:
“Remember that happiness is a way of travel – not a destination.”
– Roy M. Goodman“It is not down in any map; true places never are.”
– Herman Melville